Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream company showed up this election with some amazing posts and reels on Instagram. It was clear that as a corporation, they were taking this election very seriously. And, being a leader. So, I'm following the leader and today, my startup is taking a stand too.
In my corporate days, I never talked about politics at work. Nowadays, somehow, belonging has become political. So, it’s very much my business.
So, why hasn’t my business talked about it more on social media?
While I can’t be certain, it appears as though my posts have been censored - a few times. Times when I am supporting others. I’ve noticed trends in my content and I’ve been careful talking about the election. After all, I’m not Ben and Jerry’s, I’m an inclusive startup jigsaw puzzle co. for kids.
Today though, I’m putting that on the line (just as holiday shopping begins...) to remind folks to vote for human rights - women’s rights, trans rights, LGBT+ rights, the future of our children...for hope.
Vote Blue, right down the ballot.